This site will have cool blog tricks as we do them to this site, watch as this site becomes cooler with every post and learn how you can do the same to yours.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Easy access to your last post is a great blog trick. It can actually multiple your traffic if people like the first post they read or look at. A cool site to get great buttons from is cool text. After you get the button just place it on the bottom of every post linking to your last post. You can link the first post on your blog to you home page so if they follow the next buttons or begin in the middle it will go in a circle.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Re-Sizing Images

Resizing Images is a important thing if you put a lot of pictures on your site. I have seen sites where the picture is so small you cant tell what it is. or one large and the next one is small. It makes a world of difference if the images look professional. All you have to do is when you get the picture is click on it when your doing your knew post and you will see little squares arround the image, know drag those squares to the size you want and save.

Image from hubble.

Same image re sized.

What do you think looks better?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Poll For Every Post

Putting a poll for every post can help you the editor know what people think of your post and its very easy to do.
First go to layout page elements, click on edit for blog posts, find reactions with three little boxes behind them. Hit edit, delete the written ones, ad your own separated by comas. All so you can name it what you want by deleting the reactions to what you want.
Save and veiw.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Google Gadgets

Adding gadgets is very easy to do and convenient for entertaining your audience. This gadget below is from google gadgets and displays optical illusions. These gadgets are best as side bar tools, information, and even games. All you have to do is go to google gadgets and find what you like and place it in the layouts add knew gadget.

Deleting The Navbar

To make your blog look less like a blog and more like a web site you can delete the nave bar. To do this go into layout, edit hmtl, not far down you will see :
* Updated by Blogger Team*/ (Some templetes have ---------- in between the team and *).
Just copy this below:
#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;
and then paste it after the */.
Save and the nave bar should be gone if you did it right.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cool Tittles

Go to cool text at And create a cool title Its a entirely free site. Click on one of the logos and You probably want experiment around with what you want your tittle to look like. The size I usually start with 160 and see how big it looks when I render it, you can all ways hit edit logo if it doesn't look right. Right click on the cool text image that you choose and hit "save image as" and then name it. Know go back to your blog hit lay out page elements and in the header tittle section hit edit. where it says Image hit browse ( here I ussualy right click then arrange by moddified in the file uploads then it should be at the end). Click on instead of tittle, save and view blog and your done. This all so works with pictures if you want a background picture just don't hit instead of tittle, see example here.